Our Purpose

At Vibe Southend our purpose is to provide individualised high quality support, enabling people with disabilities to explore and express their creativity and interests to their fullest potential

Our Equipment

We are fully equipped with a large I.T Suite and our staff are on hand to assist wherever needed. You can learn new computer skills like MS Office or Paint 3D, we offer garageband suite to produce your own music, upload your own videos to YouTube. Take part in gaming sessions, maybe chill in our Sensory Room or just hang out. In addition to day trips, activities and outings we have occasional movie nights and theme parties on Halloween / Christmas.

Our Goals

To support people regardless of intellectual, physical or other disabilties to engage in relevant activities and help them reach their goals. To encourage social inclusion and reduce isolation by supporting people to be ambitious, make choices and debate and uphold their point of view.

Our Prices

Monday to Friday
Our Daily Rate is £45.00.
Half a day costs £25.00.
Hours from 9.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m.

Our Daily Rate is £45.00
Half a day costs £25.00
Hours from 10.00 a.m. until 4.00 p.m.